Dr. Laura C. Romero has worked with diverse populations, including students and professionals, to enhance and facilitate their success. Throughout her career, she has developed and managed personal, professional, and leadership development programs such as an award winning national mentoring initiative and national UCLA internship program and also served as a coach.
BRILLANTE STRATEGIES can develop a mentoring program to meet your organizational objectives as well as assist you with mentor-mentee matching, training or background checks by applying mentoring expertise based on Dr. Romero’s mentoring doctoral dissertation and experience implementing an award winning mentoring initiative.
BRILLANTE will personally coach you on how to accomplish your personal and professional goals using Laura’s first hand knowledge serving as an Executive Coach with Loyola Marymount University’s Executive MBA Program and managing professional programs, along with her career/workforce development expertise, education and counseling training, and doctoral dissertation research and findings on mentoring.
Dr. Romero has addressed audiences ranging from ten to 500 people by speaking on topics such as mentoring, networking, careers, workforce development, internships, corporate-nonprofit partnerships, civic engagement, graduate school and data based decision-making. Laura is available to serve as a speaker for workshops, meetings, conferences, schools and universities.
BRILLANTE STRATEGIES will work with your institution, organization, corporation and business to develop a comprehensive strategic government & community relations plan designed to manage issues and also address the goals of your organization by focusing on outreach, advocacy, messaging, and marketing/communications. Laura C. Romero has represented UCLA, Univision, Communities In Schools, Inc., Child 360 [formerly Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP)], and Los Angeles Unified School District as a liaison on government and/or community issues by working with diverse constituencies such as local, state and federal elected officials, corporate executives, community leaders, school/university administrators, faculty, students, alumni, volunteers, parents, families, and donors.
BRILLANTE STRATEGIES advises institutions, organizations, corporations and businesses on how to create a successful public-private partnership based on experience gained from launching, coordinating and replicating a national corporate-nonprofit mentoring partnership. In addition, we can guide you through the process of identifying possible partners and establishing a corporate council.
BRILLANTE’S team will help your organization successfully outreach to and work with the young, dynamic Hispanic population (Latino is the term commonly used in the Southwest). Based on personal knowledge and extensive experience with this fastest growing demographic in the country, Dr. Laura C. Romero’s work on various initiatives, projects and research specifically targeting the Hispanic population will provide your organization with a solid foundation to effectively reach and work with this market. Portfolio includes Communities In Schools/Univision mentoring initiative, Univision’s first televised forum featuring California Governor Gray Davis and Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo, the UCLA Local Government & Community Relations Census 2000 project and her dissertation titled “The Impact of Mentoring on the Undergraduate Careers of Mexican Americans”.
BRILLANTE can specifically assist organizations with advocacy by helping you create a plan that incorporates key successful elements that Romero used while serving as an advocate throughout her career: training, messaging and community outreach.